Podcast: Food and Climate Change

Podcast: Food and Climate Change

This episode discusses the climate crisis, our food system, how the two are affecting one another, and what we choose to eat when we have access to choice. Amy interviews Twilight Greenaway, senior editor at Civil Eats, Frances Moore Lappé, author of the Diet for a Small Planet, and Frances’daughter, Anna Lappé, author of Diet for a Hot Planet.

Eat. Drink. Think. Podcast

Eating local food and supporting local farms is only one piece of the food and climate puzzle. We also need to promote access and advocate for policy change.

This podcast is part of the Eat, Drink,Think series on Edible Radio. Each episode of Eat, Drink, Think, hosted by Amy O’Neill Houck of Edible Alaska, will explore themes discussed within Edible Communities’ Signature Section.

Photography by Michael Piazza / Edible Boston